The Road Lee Travelled

The Road Lee Travelled
Himmel Hundred 2004

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Future

Every new family must be going through this protracted 24/7 selfless servitude in order to give their infant the comfort and security needed to grow and prosper (a burden never shared with prospective parents as to ensure propagation of the species). So therein lies the question, "are you riding?"

A deal has been brokered where Sunday mornings are mine to do the Bicycle Place 8:30 Ride and shift my agony to that of a weekend warrior unwilling to admit that his form is gone, muscle tone withered away with 3am feedings, mental acuity blunted by repetitious high-pitched babble (My own: "Who Hungie? My cutie Wootie? My CutieWootieSmootchyDoody, etc.) and energy stores diminished by cold meals forgotten after impetuous demands by our darling 20 inch tyrant.

But I'll take it.
Others have spawned before me and more are even likely to follow. They are right to say that nothing compare to this experience, SO even if I'm not now riding the Rockies, spinning through Sicily or pulling to Poolesville, I'll still be getting out enough and fathering enough to ask the inevitable question...
Who's With Me?

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