The Road Lee Travelled

The Road Lee Travelled
Himmel Hundred 2004

Monday, March 31, 2008

Canal Commute

A day off the bike gives me time to reflect on the richness of the lives of Cyclists. Right after our early ascent to Daylight Savings Time I took the ol' Steel Wheeler onto the CCT for my regular commute home, but with extra time and daylight I extended my trek down to the C&O Canal. While I knew 99.9% of the commuters where in their steel coffins or Metro sardines, I was free to choose my course and it took me along the swollen shores of the Potomac where canada geese honked to their flock ("Nice pull...on your left") and mallard ducks by the score peacefully foraged the muck of the canal bottom for a tasty treat of what must be like duck gu.

Plying the path past the locks and abandoned keeper's houses removes ones mind from our harried modern lives, allowing us to cash in on a mid-week respite replete with raptors and heron confident atop their aviary fraternities, painted against a sunset canvas amidst the aural backwash of the churning river.

Next commute I want to catch the Goon Ride and rip some legs off.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Just as the trifecta of cardio fitness, muscle strength and confidence were coming together after a series of challenging rides, I fear that the ol' frogster has succumbed to the crouching tiger (or is it hidden dragon?) of fitness: Injury.

Gamefully chasing my N2 Comrades after just missing the catch at 7-Locks/Tilden, my legs were becoming increasingly heavy like a wet Sunday paper. By time we regrouped and made our way out to Poolesville, the pain became acute as my right shin tightened up like a mooring knot. Now I've got it up and on ice like an old frog ready to croak. I use "like" more than a gum-smackin' teenager.

Shin splint was my first diagnosis. "Don't runners get that?" you may ask. Well yeah, but it can also come from repetitive and intense exertion (check). "The Frogman is flat-footed. Could that contribute?" Good question, because it can. Trouble is that FF puts more stress on the inside of the tibia, whereas my pain is just outside the shinbone. "Sounds like it could be tendinitis. Ever think of that, huh?" Hmmm, I've had that before after digging fence posts in the dry mid-summer clay of my old side yard. That Sucked! It was weeks of pain, stretching while trying to take it easy. It was hard. "Is this that?" I'm an architect, not a sport medicine guy. Tendinits in that region is typically between the kneecap and shin (patellar tendinitis), however, so maybe not. Either way, it is a tear and/or inflamation and must heal fast as I'm expected to represent BPVC at Walkersville and Tysons next weekend. "Will it heal in time for you to be rady?". Well, we just don't know now, do we...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


A big weekend for the ol' Frogster, starting with my first foray with the already legendary R. Thrasher Ride, the 12:30 PM affair that leads afar into Potomac unless it doesn't. Figuring that
I'd get my feet wet on the advertised "Easy" Friday ride, plus not being currently swamped at my Bethesda job, and some sunshine, was all I needed to get changed in the car and meet up for some leg stretching.
I caught the group of about a dozen past the start (they leave on time) and we took Bradley out to Kentsdale and made a left at the end towards River. Feeling acclimated I took a pull on the rollers, but the pace, which had me a bit winded, took it up another notch and instead of sitting in I was fighting to hold a wheel. By time we hit Persimmon Tree I was watching them pull away as I tried to cheat the March winds and finished my outing with a long but satisfying TT.

Quickly changing and returning to my desk, I didn't bother with a shower let alone a helmet hair check (just got them sheared!). A colleague kindly pointed to my check which was caked in snot. Er, thanks, I guess I will wash up...

Putting the ignominy of Friday behind for the N2, I rode with The Most Friendly Group Ride Ever on the typical route, but somehow found new confidence even after being b*tched by the Big Boys by staying at the front and surviving on hills where in February I had just blown up. Matching pulls with James P, the John M's and the KMasterK on the return gave me confidence that BPVC will be doing some real race representin' this season (Ray Man already has, though will likely not be long for the 4's). We fed off each other and it was a tasty treat.

SO around come Sunday's 8:30 Ride and my legs felt like taught rubber bands. I resolved to go hard again but not long, aiming to train for the upcoming Walkersville/Tysons racing weekend. I took my share of hefty pulls and sparred with James and oscotto at the front. On Oaklyn, feeling strong and leading our group on a blast down the road, I thought a car was overtaking me only yo see it was Nick B. who had long ago dropped the "A" group. Perspective.

FWIW, Brian B of My Building pulled up to ask me how I liked the Thrashing, but added that they decided it had not been an "easy" day after all. Indeed...