The Road Lee Travelled

The Road Lee Travelled
Himmel Hundred 2004

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I am saddened to learn that our friend Lee passed away last night.

Before riding with the Bicycle Place groups, I befriended Lee while doing the 10:00 and Goon, he a rare face of sanity and style on two of the most meshuggeneh rides around. We met up on random centuries, one which introduced him to the HPC List team where his climbing prowess was well exhibited. Twice we rode the Civil War Century and although he effortlessly crested the summits, my "stumpy" legs were determined to keep up. Despite our differing strengths, Lee was always a terrific riding partner and with a wit that put my labored puns to shame.

No one was immune from his jest. My wife was on the Sunday Ride when he pointed out that it was only appropriate that she rode a Klein (German for "small"). His status as the self-appointed but universally acknowledged style czar and his biting critique of those who strayed is legendary.

Lee will be missed but never forgotten.